Eden’s Spur

Map of Edens SpurEdens Spur at a Glance:

    • 4 mile segment of road with 57,000 vehicles/day
    • 23 listed species
      • 3 federally protected:
        › Rusty Patched Bumble Bee
        › Eastern Prairie Fringed Orchid
        › Massasauga
    • Crosses two INAI sites
      › Somme Prairie
      › Metra Prairie
    • Crosses two large streams
      › North Branch of Chicago River
      › West Fork of North Branch of Chicago River


Sherwood, J.L., A.J. Stites, and M.J. Dreslik. 2018. Assessment of Impacts from construction activities at Edens Spur Bridge Crossings on Iowa Darters (Etheostoma exile). ME–18–06.

Hohoff, T.C., S.N. Barratt, and M.J. Dreslik. 2018. Assessment of Impacts from construction activities along the Edens Spur (Mileposts 26.25-30.0) on Northern Long-eared Bats. ME–18–07.

Sivicek, V.A., S.A. Johnson, and M.J. Dreslik. 2018. Assessment of Impacts from construction activities along the Edens Spuron on rare plants. ME–18–08.

Robinson, J.L. and M.J. Dreslik. 2018. Assessment of Impacts from construction activities along the Edens Spur on Rusty Patched Bumble Bee (Bombus affinis). ME–18–09.

Mui, Jennifer M., Michael J. Dreslik, and Charles A. Warwick. 2021. Illinois Natural History Survey Urban Biotic Assessment Program 2015-2020. INHS Technical Report 2021 (02).

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