I-90 Post-construction

In 2015, post construction, we conducted fish, mussel, aquatic macroinvertebrate, and bird surveys in the corridor and found:


Alasmidonta viridis – Slippershell Mussel
  • 335 live individuals of 12 mussel species
  • Three most common species were

White Heelsplitter Lasmigona complanata,
Plain Pocketbook – Lampsilis cardium, and
Cylindrical Papershell – Anodontoides ferussacianus



For birds we conducted searches and circular plot counts and found

Ruby-throated Hummingbird
  • 61 species of birds
  • One state-endangered species, Osprey, at three locations
  • sparrows were the densest species group overall





Iowa Darter

We used minnow seines and backpack electroshockers to survey.

In 2015 :

    • encountered 46 of the 192 fish species native to Illinois,
    • 3 state-listed species

>Iowa Darter
>7 Gravel Chub
>1 American Brook Lamprey

There was no significant difference in species richness, community evenness, and species diversity compared to our 2012 samples

In 2017:

    • encountered 45 species

      Gravel Chub
    • captured only 2 individuals of Gravel Chub
    • encountered 3  American Brook Lampreys

In the Kishwaukee River

    • 32 species of fish
    • 4 species intolerant of poor water quality


Aquatic Macroinvertebrates

For aquatic macroinvertebrates we used the ILEPA 20-Jab Allocation Method for wadeable streams.

    • Based on habitat assessment sites ranged from “Poor” to just under “Good”
    • Based on macroinvertebrates present, the Kishwaukee River rated  “Excellent,” Coon and Mosquito creeks “Good,and Spring Creek “Fair”
    • We had no pre-construction samples so could not assess if construction had impacted the streams.


Bat detector

In 2016, we deployed acoustic monitors at 4 stream crossings

    • recorded in May, July, and September.
    • over 15,000 bat passes recorded
    • 10,566 were identified by software

Nine species of bats were detected: Big Brown Bat, Hoary Bat, Eastern Red Bat, Silver-haired Bat, Little Brown Bat, Tri-colored Bat, Evening Bats, and 2 federally listed species: the NLEB and Indiana Bat.