- 84 mile segment of road from Indiana to Wisconsin
- 600,000 vehicles/day
- 57 listed species
- 4 federally protected
› Rusty Patched Bumble Bee
› Eastern Massasauga
› Eastern Prairie Fringed Orchid
› Northern Long-eared Bat - the Central Tri-state stretches from I-55 to the junction of I-94 near the Lake/Cook border
- construction on the Central Tri-state replaced aging infrastructure including the Mile-Long Bridge
- 84 mile segment of road from Indiana to Wisconsin
We conducted widespread surveys in 2015 for birds, mussels, fish, and aquatic macroinvertebrates in the corridor. We returned in 2018 to conduct targeted surveys for endangered and threatened species encountered in 2015.
– migratory bird use of forest preserves along 294
– biological communities in streams that cross 294
In addition, this corridor has several mitigation projects:
- The Illinois Tollway is conducting a wetland restoration project on a 160-acre site owned by the State of Illinois in North Chicago.
- The Illinois Tollway partnered with the Forest Preserve District of Cook County (FPDCC) to implement a stormwater demonstration project along the North Tri-State Tollway in northern Cook County.
- In partnership with Lake County Forest Preserves, Illinois Tollway is helping restore wetlands at the Pine Dunes Forest Preserve.
Sherwood, Joshua L. and Jeremy S. Tiemann 2019. Assessment of waterway condition along I-294, 1 mile north of the US-20 interchange. ME-19-01
Rahlin, A.A. and J.L. Sherwood. 2019. Assessment of impacts from construction activities along I-294 on endangered & threatened biota. ME-19-02.
Sherwood, J.L. and A.J. Stites. 2019. Survey for Blackchin Shiner (Notropis heterodon) and habitat at the Tri-state Tollway (I-294) bridge over the Des Plaines River. ME-19-01
Hohoff, T.C., S.N. Barratt, and M.J. Dreslik. 2018. Assessment of Impacts from construction activities at I-294 Salt Creek Overpass on Northern Long-eared Bats. ME–18–10.
Sivicek, V.A., S.A. Johnson, and M.J. Dreslik. 2018. Assessment of Impacts from construction activities along I-294 (Mile Posts 27.5-29.5) on Inland Juneberry (Amelanchier interior). ME–18–11.
Rahlin, A.A., A.R. Vilag, and M.J. Dreslik. 2018. Assessment of impacts from construction activities along I-294 Des Plaines River Bridge on Osprey (Pandion haliaetus). ME–18–12.
Sherwood, J.L., A.J. Stites, and M.J. Dreslik. 2018. Survey for Iowa Darter (Etheostoma exile) populations in areas impacted by construction activities on I-294 along Flag Creek. ME–18–13
Sherwood, J.L., A.J. Stites, and M.J. Dreslik. 2018. Assessment of Potential Habitat for Banded Killifish (Fundulus diaphanus) at the I-294 Bridge Over the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal. ME–18–18.
Rahlin, A., S. Beilke, and M.J. Dreslik. 2017. Avifaunal surveys of woodland forest preserves along the southern 1-294 corridor. INHS Technical Report. 2017(2):1-11.
Hohoff, T.C. and M.J. Dreslik. 2017. Overpass evaluations for Northern Long-eared Bats (Myotis septentrionalis) in the lower I-294 corridor. ME–17–02.
Douglass, S.A., C.A. Phillips, and M.J. Dreslik. 2016. Freshwater mollusk sampling along the southern I-294 corridor. INHS Technical Report. 2016(5):1–7.
Bilger, E.E., M.J. Dreslik, and C.A. Phillips. 2016. Biotic integrity of macroinvertebrate communities along the I-294 corridor. INHS Technical Report. 2016(6):1–20.
Sherwood, J.L., A.J. Stites, C.A. Phillips., and M.J. Dreslik. 2016. Stream surveys for fishes along the southern I-294 corridor. INHS Technical Report. 2016(4):1–12.
Beilke, S.J., R.L. Hammond, and M.J. Dreslik. 2016. Avifaunal monitoring of woodland forest preserves along the southern I-294 corridor. Illinois Natural History Survey Technical Report. 2016(34):1–22.
Henry, C.L., S.J. Baker, M.J. Dreslik, and C.A. Phillips. 2016. Final survey and summary for the Eastern Massasauga along the I-294 construction zone. INHS Technical Report. 2016(2):1–9.
Hammond, R.L., M.J. Dreslik, and C.A. Phillips. 2016. Avifaunal surveys of woodland forest preserves along the southern I-294 corridor. INHS Technical Report. 2016(3):1–8.
Taft, J.B. and C. Carroll-Cunningham. 2016. Year 2015 Results and Final Analysis of Trends Following Five Years of Vegetation Monitoring in 20 Constructed Bioswales Along Interstate 294,Touhy Avenue to Lake-Cook Road, Cook County, IL.INHS Technical Report. 2016 (23): 1–51
Taft, J.B., C. Carroll-Cunningham, and H.L. Grant. 2015. Year 2014 Results and Trends Analysis From Vegetation Monitoring in 20 Constructed Bioswales Along Interstate 294,Touhy Avenue to Lake-Cook Road, Cook County, IL. INHS Technical Report. 2015 (01): 1–44
Taft, J.B., C. Carroll-Cunningham, and D. Ruffatto. 2013. Year 2012 Results and Trends Analysis From Vegetation Monitoring in 20 Constructed Bioswales Along Interstate 294,Touhy Avenue to Lake-Cook Road, Cook County, IL. INHS Technical Report. 2013(04): 1–42.
Taft, J.B., M.C. Murphy, Z.P. Kron, and W.C. Handel. 2012. Results From 2011 Baseline Vegetation Monitoring in 20 Constructed Bioswales Along Interstate 294,Touhy Avenue to Lake-Cook Road, Cook County, IL. INHS Technical Report. 2012(06): 1–42.
Dreslik, M.J., D.B. Wylie, W.C. Handel, and C.A. Phillips. 2011. Survey for the Eastern Massasauga along the I–294 construction zone, Year 3 search effort and summary of 2008 – 2010 search effort. Illinois Natural History Survey Technical Report. 2011(2):1–16.
Taft, J.B., W.C. Handel, J.L. Jarvis, and M.J.C. Murphy. 2011. Noxious and selected invasive plant populations along Illinois Toll Highway rights-of-way. INHS Technical Report. 2011(11):1–39.
Dreslik, M.J., D.B. Wiley, W.C. Handel, and C.A. Phillips. 2010. Survey for the Eastern Massasauga along the I–294 Construction Zone, Year 2 Search Effort – 2009 Field Season. INHS Technical Report. 2010(3):1–14.
Dreslik, M.J. and C.A. Phillips. 2009. Survey for the Eastern Massasauga rattlesnake along the I–294 construction zone, 2008 field season. INHS Technical Report. 2009(3):1–11.
Dreslik, M.J. and C.A. Phillips. 2008. Survey for the Eastern Massasauga along the I-294 construction zone, 2008 field season. INHS Technical Report. 2008(3):1–11.
Murphy, M.J.C. 2008. Botanical survey and assessment of the Interstate-57/Interstate-294 interchange study corridor, Cook County, Illinois. INHS Technical Report. 2008(52):1–34.
Kuhns, A.R., C.A. Phillips, and J.S. Tiemann. 2007. Survey and assessment of threatened and endangered mussels, fishes, amphibians, and reptiles of the Illinois Interstate I-294/94 Tollway Improvement Corridor in Cook and Lake counties, Results of the 2005 field season. INHS Technical Report. 2007(2):1–29 +iii
Kuhns, A.R., C.A. Phillips, and J.S. Tiemann. 2006. Survey and assessment of threatened and endangered mussels, fishes, amphibians, and reptiles of the Illinois Interstate I-294/94 Tollway Improvement Corridor in Cook and Lake counties, Results of the 2005 field season. Center for Biodiversity Technical Report. 2006(2):1-14
Murphy, M.J.C. 2005. Botanical survey and assessment of the Illinois Interstate-94 tollway improvement corridor in Cook and Lake counties. INHS Technical Report. 2005(16):1–62.
Visit the Illinois Tollway Website for construction updates.