
  • creek in grasses

We have been assessing fish populations within the Tollway corridor using:

– backpack electrofishing
barge electrofishing
– a
nd minnow seines


I-90 pre-construction
I-90 post construction
– IL53-IL120 extension assessment
IL Rt 390 extension
Iowa Darter reassessment
Using eDNA to detect Glacial Lake Fish
Gravel Chub fecundity


Sherwood, J.L., A.J. Stites, M.J. Dreslik, J.S. Tiemann. 2018. Predicting the Range of a regionally threatened, benthic fish using species distribution models and field surveys. Journal of Fish Biology. doi:10.1111/jfb.13819

Tiemann, J.S., C.A. Taylor, D. Wylie, J. Lamer, P.W. Willink, F.M. Veraldi, S.M. Pescitelli, B. Lubinski, T. Thomas, R. Sauer, and B. Cantrell. 2015. Range expansions and new drainage records for select Illinois fishes. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science 108:47-52.

Highlights from our work:

  • The streams along the I-90 corridor were quite species-rich and diverse for fishes.
  • Twenty-one threatened or endangered species and two sensitive habitat types have been found in the Rt 53 North Extension corridor historically, but thus far only 6 of the species have been found, 4 plants and 2 fishes.


Tiemann, J.S., J.L. Sherwood, and A.J. Stites. 2019. Population expansion of the state-threatened Eastern Sand Darter, Ammocrypta pellucida (Agassiz, 1863), within the Vermilion River Basin (Wabash River Drainage), Illinois. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, 113:1–4.
Willink, P.W., J.S. Tiemann, J.L. Sherwood, E.R. Larson, A. Otten, and B. Zimmerman. 2019. The mystery of the Banded Killifish Fundulus diaphanous population explosion: where did they all come from? American Currents 44(4):3–6.
Sherwood, J.L., A.J. Stites, M.J. Dreslik, and J.S. Tiemann. 2018. Predicting the range of a regionally threatened, benthic fish using species distribution models and field surveys. Journal of Fish Biology 93(5):972–977.
Stites, A.J., J.L. Sherwood, and J.S. Tiemann. 2018. Fecundity estimates of the Gravel Chub, Erimystax x-punctatus (Pisces: Cyprinidae). Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 121(3–4):386–391.
Willink, P.W., T.A. Widloe, V.J. Santucci Jr., D. Makauskas, J.S. Tiemann, S.D. Hertel, J.T. Lamer, and J.L. Sherwood. 2018. Rapid expansion of Banded Killifish Fundulus diaphanous across northern Illinois: dramatic recovery or invasive species? American Midlands Naturalist 179(2):179–190.
Sherwood, J.L., and D.B. Wylie. 2015. Current status and historic range of one of Illinois’ rarest fish. Transactions of the Illinois Academy of Science 108:43–46.