In addition to construction related surveys, we are conducting a long term monitoring project of the Blanding’s Turtle populations in the Chicagoland area, including preserves along the south end of I-355. We are also studying the federally endangered Hine’s Emerald Dragonfly.
Ross, J.P., C.Y. Feng, and M.J. Dreslik. 2020. Camera trap monitoring of turtle passage gates along the Des Plaines River Asian Carp barrier. INHS Technical Reports 2020(3):1–45.
Stites, A.J., J.P. Ross, S.A. Douglass, E.E. Bilger, J.L. Sherwood, and M.J. Dreslik. 2019. Biological surveys of aquatic communities along I-355 from mile post 12.7 to 29.8. INHS Technical Report. 2019 (01):1–26.
Rahlin, A.A., T.C. Hohoff, V.A. Sivicek, J.L. Jarvis, and M.J. Dreslik. 2019. Biological surveys of terrestrial communities along northern I-355 corridor. INHS Technical Report. 2019 (05):1–48
Ross, J.P., A.A. Rahlin, S.A. Douglass, J.L. Sherwood, A.J. Stites, E.E. Bilger, T.C. Hohoff, M.L. Niemiller, A. Világ, and M.J. Dreslik. 2018. Biological monitoring at streams and natural areas within the Interstate 355 corridor in 2017. INHS Technical Report. 2018 (06)1–40.
Carroll-Cunningham, C.J., E.F. Ulaszek, and J.L. Jarvis. 2018. Results of 2017 botanical surveys along the I-90 Corridor, Fox River crossing, and I-355 corridor. INHS Technical Report. 2018 (11):1–77.
Baker, S.J., J.P. Ross, and M.J. Dreslik. 2018. Assessment of Impacts from construction activities along I-355 (mileposts 12.7-19.8) on Blanding’s Turtles (Emydoidea blandingii). ME–18–01.
Sherwood, J.L., A.J. Stites, and M.J. Dreslik. 2018. Assessment of Impacts from construction activities along I-355 (mileposts 12.7-19.8) Iowa Darters (Etheostoma exile). ME–18–02.
Hohoff, T.C., S.N. Barratt, and M.J. Dreslik. 2018. Assessment of Impacts from construction activities along I-355 (mileposts 12.7-19.8) on Northern Long-eared Bats. ME–18–03.
Sivicek, V.A., S.A. Johnson, and M.J. Dreslik. 2018. Assessment of Impacts from construction activities along I-355 (mileposts 12.7-19.8) on rare plants. ME–18–04.
Rahlin, A.A., A.R. Vilag, and M.J. Dreslik. 2018. Assessment of Impacts from construction activities along I-355 (mileposts 12.7-19.8) on Yellow-headed Blackbirds ( Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus). ME–18–05.
Ross, J.P., C.Y. Feng, J.K. Warner, and M.J. Dreslik. Turtle monitoring at the Interstate 355 Des Plaines River bridge crossing and the Centennial Trail Asian carp barrier. INHS Technical Report. 2017(15):1–45.
Feng, C.Y., J.P. Ross, and M.J. Dreslik. Mark-recapture surveys for Spotted and Blanding’s turtles in Will County, Illinois. INHS Technical Report. 2017(13):1–33.
Henry, C.L., J.P. Ross, S.J. Baker, C.A. Phillips, and M.J. Dreslik. 2016. Blanding’s Turtle Surveys at the I-355 Des Plaines River Bridge Crossing. INHS Technical Report. 2016(1):1–13.
Dreslik, M.J. and R.L. Hammond. 2016. Habitat assessment for Blanding’s Turtles (Emydoidea blandingii) and Least Bitterns (Ixobrychus exilis) at the I-355 drainage structure maintenance site. ME–16–01:1-7
Feng, C.Y. and M.J. Dreslik. 2015. Surveys for Spotted and Blanding’s turtles for Ducere LLC in Lockport, Illinois. INHS Technical Report. 2015(12):1–16.
Feng, C.Y. and M.J. Dreslik. 2015. Preliminary report on surveys for Spotted and Blanding’s turtles in the Des Plaines River valley. INHS Technical Report. 2015(16):1–52.
Dreslik, M.J., W.J. Banning, N.K. Marioni, and C.A. Phillips. 2011. Monitoring of the Blanding’s Turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) at the I–355 Des Plaines River bridge crossing: Final Report. INHS Technical Report. 2011(3):1–237.
Taft, J.B., W.C. Handel, J.L. Jarvis, and M.J.C. Murphy. 2011. Noxious and selected invasive plant populations along Illinois Toll Highway rights-of-way. INHS Technical Report. 2011(11):1–39.
Dreslik, M.J., N.K. Marioni, W.J. Banning, and C.A. Phillips. 2010. Monitoring of the Blanding’s Turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) at the I–355 Des Plaines River Bridge Crossing: Phase III – Post–Construction Monitoring. INHS Technical Report. 2010(2):1–153.
Banning, W.J. and M.J. Dreslik. 2009. Framework for a final phase of Spotted Turtle research at Romeoville Prairie Nature Preserve. INHS Technical Report. 2009(2):1–143.
Dreslik, M.J., C.A. Phillips, and W.J. Banning. 2008. Monitoring of the Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) at the I–355 Des Plaines River bridge crossing: construction phase. INHS Technical Report. 2008(11):1–63.
Dreslik, M.J., W.J. Banning, C.E. Schmidt, L. Noffke, and C.A. Phillips. 2007. Spatial Ecology of the Blanding’s Turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) at Lockport Prairie Nature Preserve, Will County, Illinois. INHS Technical Report. 2007(12):1–154.
Banning, W.J. 2007. Nesting ecology of the Blanding’s Turtle, Emydoidea blandingii, at the Lockport Prairie Nature Preserve, Will County, Illinois. INHS Technical Report. 2007(40):1–25.
Taft, J.B., M. McNicoll, and I. Kirwan. 2007. 2007 monitoring results for threatened and endangered plant species in the Interstate 355 South extension crossing of the Des Plaines River Valley. INHS Technical Report. 2007(69)
Dreslik, M.J. and C.A. Phillips. 2006. Monitoring results for the threatened Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) in the Interstate I–355 south extension (FAP 340) corridor. INHS, Center for Biodiversity, Technical Report. 2006(1):1–29.
Banning, W.J., M.J. Dreslik, and C.A. Phillips. 2006. Continued study of the ecology of the freshwater turtle community at Lockport Prairie Nature Preserve: with special emphasis on the Blanding’s Turtle (Emydoidea blandingii). INHS Center for Biodiversity, Technical Report. 2006(4):1–259.
Dreslik, M.J., D. Mauger, W.J. Banning, C.A. Phillips, and J.K. Warner. 2004. Ecology of the Blanding’s turtle (Emys blandingii) at Lockport Prairie Nature Preserve. INHS Center for Biodiversity Technical Report. 2004(21):1–102.
Dreslik, M.J., W.J. Banning, C.A. Phillips, and J.K. Warner. 2004. Turtle community composition in the north unit of Lockport Prairie Nature Preserve, Will County, Illinois. INHS Center for Biodiversity Technical Report. 2004(22):1–102.
Dreslik, M.J., W.J. Banning, and C.A. Phillips. 2005. Turtle captures and radio–telemetry at Lockport Prairie Nature Preserve in 2004. Report to: Illinois Nature Preserves Commission. 113pp.
Visit the Illinois Tollway Website for more information on the construction projects.